All Activities
Spine Evolutions: Interlaminar Endoscopic Approach
Raymond J. Gardocki, MD (Nashville, TN), provides an overview of the endoscopic interlaminar approach for discectomies and discusses his technique and patient-selection process.
Spine Evolutions: Dural Tears—Prevention and Repair
Vincent Hagel, MD (Lindau, Germany), presents on endoscopic treatment in relation to iatrogenic and intraoperative dural tears.
Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears: Tensionable Knotless Biologic Tuberoplasty Technique
Justin W. Griffin, MD (Virginia Beach, VA), demonstrates an innovative technique, biologic tuberoplasty, for irreparable rotator cuff tears. He uses this simple technique to fixate the ArthroFlex dermal allograft to the tuberosity, providing a protective covering that may prevent humeral-acromial...
Arthroplasty Evolutions: Measurements and Angles in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Asheesh Bedi, MD (Chicago, IL), discusses his approach in using measurements from different imaging modalities to plan for his shoulder arthroplasty procedures.
Trauma On-Call: It's All in the Details— rTSA Implant Considerations
Jonah Hebert-Davies, MD (Seattle, WA), reviews clinical considerations when choosing implants for reverse shoulder arthroplasty and provides literature-backed rationale for fixing the tuberosities.
Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy Essentials: Using the NanoNeedle Scope for Visualizing Ankle Pathology
Ryan B. Rigby, DPM (Logan, UT), demonstrates the clinical advantages of using the NanoNeedle Scope for diagnostic ankle arthroscopy and subsequent surgical treatment for various ankle pathologies.
Meniscal Pathologies: Treating a Horizontal Cleavage Meniscus Tear With an All-Inside Repair
Justin J. Mitchell, MD (La Crosse, WI), uses a hay-bale–type suture configuration for a horizontal cleavage meniscus tear using the FiberStitch™ 1.5 implant.
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) and Labral Tears: Literature Review on Labral Repair and Reconstruction
Ajay C. Lall, MD (Paramus, NJ), discusses the current literature surrounding the benefits of arthroscopic hip labral repair and reviews patient-outcome data that can influence clinical decision-making when treating these injuries.
Hindfoot and Ankle Arthritis: Tibiotalocalcaneal Fusion (TTC) With the DualCompression Hindfoot Nail
Robert Gorsline, MD (Columbus, OH), demonstrates the surgical technique for the DualCompression Hindfoot Nail System. This system features a novel mechanism for providing compression in TTC fusions both intraoperatively and postoperatively.
Distal Radius Fractures: Distal Radius Fracture Management Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Sanj Kakar, MD (Rochester, MN), uses a prefractured cadaveric specimen to demonstrate how to use the NanoNeedle Scope System for an arthroscopic-assisted distal radius fracture reduction.
Endoscopic Approaches to Spine: Medial Branch Nerve Transection— Technique and Targeting
Michael Gallizzi, MD (Denver, CO), highlights operative planning and technical details of an endoscopic medial branch nerve transection.
Spine Evolutions: Beginning Endoscopic Spine Surgery With Medial Branch Transection
Sohrab Gollogly, MD (Monterey, CA), provides an overview of endoscopic spine surgery with a focus on medial branch nerve transection.
Endoscopic Approaches to Spine: Medial Branch Nerve Transection—Case Examples
Michael A. Gallizzi, MD (Vail, CO), provides case examples of medial branch nerve transection through an endoscopic approach.
OTIF: Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair and Reconstruction
Christopher Ahmad, MD (New York, NY), discusses his technique for UCL repair and UCL reconstruction with the InternalBrace™ ligament augmentation technique, sharing technical pearls for each procedure. The InternalBrace surgical technique is intended only to augment the primary repair/reconstruction by expanding the...
Insertional Achilles Tendinopathies: MIS FiberTak® Achilles SpeedBridge™ Procedure
Jorge I. Acevedo, MD (Jacksonville, FL), demonstrates the minimally invasive FiberTak® Achilles SpeedBridge™ procedure for insertional Achilles pathology.
Disc Disease: Endoscopic Approach to Transforaminal Discectomy
Raymond J. Gardocki, MD (Nashville, TN), demonstrates the endoscopic transforaminal approach to the lumbar spine for posterolateral contained herniations, nonmigrated extrusions, and intraforaminal herniations above the pedicle.
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) and Labral Tears
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a mechanical impingement in the hip joint, often leading to labral and cartilage damage. Understanding the relevant bony anatomy and pathomechanics of FAI and labral tears is key for determining treatment options, ranging from nonoperative methods...