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Anatomic representation of the shoulder, including the bones and musculature, surrounded by a blue aura.


9 results returned
  • Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Pathologies

    The acromioclavicular (AC) joint is the primary articulation that transmits forces from the upper extremity to the trunk. AC joint pathologies, including separation and osteoarthritis, can impact the healthy kinematics of the shoulder, requiring proper evaluation and treatment to preserve...

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  • Articular Cartilage Pathologies

    Commonly resulting from trauma, recurrent instability, or as a postoperative complication, articular cartilage pathologies of the glenohumeral joint often lead to pain and disability. Early surgical intervention can halt the progression to global cartilage loss and preserve the function of...

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  • Biceps Tendinopathies

    One of the many causes of anterior shoulder pain, biceps tendinopathy often occurs with concomitant shoulder pathology. Treatment options range from conservative methods to surgical interventions, including tenotomy and various tenodesis techniques.

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  • Clavicle Fractures

    Ranging from simple midshaft fractures to complex multifragment deformities, clavicle fractures require proper management to restore shoulder kinematics. Successful outcomes depend on radiographic indications for conservative treatment or surgical intervention.

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  • Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis

    Glenohumeral osteoarthritis presents along a spectrum of severity, requiring a patient-centered approach to treatment. Current treatment concepts explore advances in arthroplasty techniques, including guidelines for joint preparation, implant selection and positioning, and revision cases.

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  • Glenohumeral Joint Instability and Labral Tears

    Glenohumeral joint instability encompasses a wide range of pathologies ranging from soft-tissue injuries to bipolar bone loss. Critical evaluation of shoulder structure and function is essential for appropriate treatment selection.

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  • Pectoralis Major Tendon Ruptures

    Traumatic in nature, ruptures of the pectoralis major tendon can have a debilitating impact on exercise and daily activities. Due to the nature of these injuries, time-sensitive surgical intervention is often needed to restore function.

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  • Proximal Humerus Fractures

    Proximal humerus fractures encompass a variety of different types, including unifocal, bifocal, and articular fracture patterns. Careful evaluation of the fracture pattern along with patient-specific considerations help determine the most appropriate treatment plan, ranging from nonoperative methods to surgical interventions...

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  • Rotator Cuff Pathologies

    Making up some of the most common shoulder conditions, rotator cuff pathologies are a leading cause of shoulder pain and instability. Understanding the intricate balance of the rotator cuff tendons is required for successful treatment to achieve joint preservation and...

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