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Trauma On-Call: Operative vs Nonoperative Proximal Humerus Fractures—Who Should Get Surgery?
Jonah Hebert-Davies, MD (Seattle, WA), reviews literature highlighting trends in geriatric proximal humerus fracture management and associated clinical outcomes.
Meniscal Pathologies: Soft-Tissue Meniscal Allograft Transplant With SutureLoc™ Implant for Meniscal Root Fixation
J. Lee Pace, MD (Plano, TX), performs a soft-tissue−only meniscal allograft transplant. Dr. Pace uses the SutureLoc™ implant for root fixation to secure the allograft.
Spinal Arthritis: Posterior Endoscopic Cervical Foraminotomy
Prof. Dr. med. Mazda Farshad (Zurich, Switzerland) performs a posterior endoscopic foraminotomy at the C4-C5 level.