![Professional headshot of Dr. Denard (Shoulder; Medford, OR) and a photograph of a football player to represent shoulder specialty.](https://cdn.exceedlms.com/uploads/resource_hero_pictures/targets/4459901/w550/denard-patrick-wp1-001377-en-us-a-orthopedia-hero-banner.png?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uZXhjZWVkbG1zLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzL3Jlc291cmNlX2hlcm9fcGljdHVyZXMvdGFyZ2V0cy80NDU5OTAxL3c1NTAvZGVuYXJkLXBhdHJpY2std3AxLTAwMTM3Ny1lbi11cy1hLW9ydGhvcGVkaWEtaGVyby1iYW5uZXIucG5nIiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7IkRhdGVMZXNzVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxNzM5OTIwNzU3fX19XX0_&Signature=LDczjGgJEmn50c-f423Kt731mfzPDk-N8s4tT4uK5zZUKwIMn9sG~qUYu97A9N~TTgZ-6JaEsSDb5dystlgKzFgE-mhVj5ftq5t1SrowNg~25t7Gymi6-9GYtKygxX5oPACTau-5TiuNfJUAb0mOCWLPFT907xZs2of~yyltmwZUKI5XFT64PNH-HGs4BjP42ebjJa5gbG3v4Jg9C7EVS3Qh8RFB7Phe58Y4LpVjN~iZT1YKT8C5v3hfd8urr2Pv2bEd56rSs~IliPvqddnQu5wWAocE9JLaFIRIbdnSjD8UMzfkzWmvpdvlEK7h2weV9u2L9qp0qzIGaoWaPKCvHg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJINUZDMKZJI5I6DA)
Patrick J. Denard, MD
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Anterior Glenohumeral Joint Instability: Bankart Repair With Knotless FiberTak® Soft Anchors and Slotted Spear
Anterior Glenohumeral Joint Instability: All-Inside Remplissage With Anterior Bankart Repair Using 1.8 mm Knotless FiberTak® Anchors
Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Glenoid Preparation With Univers VaultLock® Glenoid Implant System
Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Glenoid Preparation With Universal Glenoid™ Convertible System
Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Univers Revers™ Augmented Modular Glenoid System Half-Wedge Baseplate
Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Univers Revers™ Augmented Modular Glenoid System Full-Wedge Baseplate
Glenohumeral Joint Rotator Cuff Arthropathy: Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Glenoid Preparation With Universal Glenoid™ Convertible System
Glenohumeral Joint Rotator Cuff Arthropathy: Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Humerus Preparation With Univers Revers™ Implant System
Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears: FiberTak® SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair
Subscapularis Tendon Tears: Knotless Double-Row Subscapularis Repair With Biceps Tenodesis Using SwiveLock® and Knotless 2.6 FiberTak® Anchors
Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior (SLAP) Tears: Knotless Repair With FiberTak® Soft Anchor
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Hamada 1 and 2 and Failed Previous Cuff Tears
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on Leveraging Biology for Rotator Cuff Repair Healing
Dr. Denard Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Rotator Cuff Tears: Traction Suture Trick for Reducing the Rotator Cuff During SpeedBridge™ Repair
Dr. Denard Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: rTSA Lateral Impaction
Dr. Denard Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Glenohumeral Joint Instability: Closed Cutter for FiberTak® Tensioning
Dr. Denard Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Shoulder Glenohumeral Instability: Labral Repair With Cinch Stitch Configuration Featuring the Rotation Lasso Suture Passer and Knotless 1.8 FiberTak™ Soft Anchor
Complex and Revision Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Virtual Implant Positioning™ (VIP) System and Planning Process
Stemless Shoulder Arthroplasty Eclipse™: The Standard in Stemless aTSA: Part 3 - Stemless TSA: What Does the Evidence Show
OTIF: An Approach to Glenoid Implant Selection
VIP™ System—Advancements in Planning: Making the Case
VIP™ System— Advancements in Planning: Lessons Learned