A basic white outline of shoulder bones.
A basic white outline of elbow bones.
A basic white outline of hand and wrist bones.
Hand and Wrist
A basic white outline of hip bones.
A basic white outline of knee bones.
A basic white outline of foot and ankle bones.
Foot and Ankle
A basic white outline of a fractured bone.
A basic white outline of the cells and/or components in our blood.
Biologic Treatments
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Complex and Revision Rotator Cuff Course: Dermal Allograft Techniques for the Irreparable Cuff

Raffy Mirzayan, MD (Los Angeles, CA), presents his rationale and technique for biologic tuberoplasty for the treatment of massive irreparable rotator cuff tears. He also covers applications for the bursal acromial reconstruction (BAR) and superior capsular reconstruction (SCR).